Dr Oz Acai Berry Fat Loss Diet on Oprah - Hoax, Myth Or Does it Work?

A few months ago Dr. Oz who is a regular guest on the Oprah Winfrey show came on discussing the benefits of the super food known as acai berries. In the mix of his discussion weight loss benefits were brought up. This essentially was the beginning of the acai berry fat loss diet on Oprah that got everyone excited for months to come. In this article I'll reveal to you whether acai berries are a hoax and a myth or if it really does in fact work.

Tell me More about acai berries

\"Fat Loss Diet\"

Essentially what is so great about acai berries is the fact that they are very high in essential nutrients such as Omega 3 & 6 and more importantly anti-oxidants which help your body to fend off against disease such as cancer and also provide anti-aging benefits. I would say by far the anti-oxidant contribution of acai berries is far and wide the greatest thing about them.

Dr Oz Acai Berry Fat Loss Diet on Oprah - Hoax, Myth Or Does it Work?

So does the acai diet on Oprah actually work?

To be blunt, acai does not burn fat in any way in which its being promoted. It may have some mild benefits to metabolism, but are you going to wake up in 2 weeks after taking it and see any noticeable difference, nope. In fact the show mislead people in that what really eliminated the excess weight were the fiber shakes that were meant to be taken along side the acai juice.

So what can help me lose weight?

Have you heard of calorie shifting? It was the #1 diet of 2008 for a reason and it looks to only gain in popularity. It effectively is the ultimate and possibly best diet to ever be developed. What it does is push your metabolism up to its maximum potential at all times. On top of this it has you eat foods based on when your body is most likely to burn them off as fuel, so for example during a certain part of the day you might be better off having a snack higher in fat, and later on a high protein one. Much of this is also to confuse your metabolism so it can never find a comfort zone and is forced to stay running at its maximum ability.

Dr Oz Acai Berry Fat Loss Diet on Oprah - Hoax, Myth Or Does it Work?

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